

大家好! 我們是 再皂福 其中兩位暑期實習生! 我們剛剛在 再皂福 完成了七星期的實習,當中包括舉辦工作坊、家庭探訪、派發物資、在日間護理中心及老人院為長者舉辦肥皂回收活動。 Sylvia: 讓我體會最深刻的是日間護理中心及老人院回收活動。我是修讀老齡化研究,這個活動可以讓我學會的知識靈活運用,同時可以補充自己的實際經驗。固定接觸長者是作為我熟悉行業的第一步。透過親身與長者相處,能夠了解到每位長者的獨特性,能夠讓我反思現時的政策是否能夠滿足每一位長者。感謝 再皂福...
Pilot session Day Care Center

Pilot session Day Care Center

This time, Soap Cycling went to the Day Care Centre to work with our elderly neighbours for soap recycling. Time flew when working! Each elderly neighbour rescued over 2L of bath gel in less than 90 minutes. They worked non-stop although we urged them to take a break....
Soap Recycling session in school

Soap Recycling session in school

Our team was glad to visit an international school and worked with cub scouts for soap recycling. Kids were shared with the importance of soap recycling and some interesting soap knowledge, e.g. Why Soap Works. It was a day filled with inspiration and energy! We were...