Congratulations to the 9 university students who have just completed our first Global Service E-Trip under our Jockey Club “Start with Soap” Empowerment Project! They completed this Global Programme including a series of interesting and practical programmes such as soap recycling and video production workshops, then met our Philippines team online and their distribution partners to understand how they worked, as well as the real situations and difficulties that the recipients faced.
The Global Programme has the objective of enabling youth participants to learn the operations of a global NGO, practical hard and soft skills such as video production, recycling, teamwork and communication skills, as well as a brief understanding of a developing country’s (The Philippines) community and economy. Due to the pandemic, safe and quarrantine-free overseas trips in-person are still not possible at the time being and therefore the distribution part for our first few sessions is changed to be online format. We hope to enable students to experience as much as we could provide, and empower the community through this programme. Stay tuned to our next Global Programme!