Earth day!

Earth day!

Starting the week of the #EarthDay2024 with children, recycling plastic bottled soap amenities and soap bars together, are found very meaningful. Teaching new generations is up to all of us, not just parents. Today’s children will be tomorrow’s leaders and...
Joining hands on the ESG journey

Joining hands on the ESG journey

Last week, Soap Cycling was glad to meet and recycle bar soap with our friends from different Hyatt hotels at our Shenzhen workshop. 142.5kg of reprocessed soap made in this session was sent to the disadvantaged communities, which is sufficient for 300 kids for one...
Pilot session Day Care Center

Pilot session Day Care Center

This time, Soap Cycling went to the Day Care Centre to work with our elderly neighbours for soap recycling. Time flew when working! Each elderly neighbour rescued over 2L of bath gel in less than 90 minutes. They worked non-stop although we urged them to take a break....